Muovendo una vetrata panoramica

Moving a Giemme System Folding glass door

Air, wind and waterproof (UNI EN 14351).

Giemme System e il Temporale.

Rainstorm and Giemme System.

Conformità alle normative europee: Vetrate a tenuta Aria, Acqua e Vento (UNI 14351-1)

Nonostante Giemme System sia un prodotto studiato come seconda chiusura e non abbia quindi la necessità di essere certificato come serramento GM Morando ha voluto testimoniare la qualità del suo prodotto ottenendo la conformità alla normativa UNI EN 14351-1. Tale norma regola le performance dei serramenti per quanto riguarda la tenuta agli agenti atmosferici. La tenuta all' aria è garantita dalle guarnizioni trasparenti in policarbonato tra le ante e sui 4 lati, appositamente brevettate per eliminare ogni spiffero d'aria. Quando la vetrata rimane chiusa, le guarnizioni trasparenti ad “U” in policarbonato, poste tra un’anta e l’altra, si incastrano perfettamente con il vetro creando una parete trasparentissima e conferendo solidità all'intera struttura.

Regulations Conforming to European regulations Among the questions we receive most often are those relating to the resistance of atmospheric elements. Despite the fact that the Giemme System was conceived as a product for second closure and therefore doesn’t have to be certified like traditional windows and doors, GM Morando wanted to demonstrate the quality of the product by obtaining compliance to UNI ENI EN 14351-1.

This rule regulates the performance of windows and doors regarding resistance to atmospheric elements. Air-tightness is guaranteed by transparent, polycarbonate seals between the doors on all four sides. The product was specially patented by GM Morando to eliminate any draft or passage of air. The transparent, polycarbonate seals are shaped in the form of a U and placed between one door and another. When the glass doors remain closed, the seals fit perfectly with the glass creating a highly transparent wall and giving solidity to the entire structure.


Restaurant, Pub and Bars

Presentazione Giemme System

Introducing Giemme System

Vetrine negozi

Front shop windows displays

Dehor, Porticati,Giardini D'Inverno

Terraces, Porches, Balconies, Verandas, Gazebos

Divisori per interni, pareti mobili

Internal partitions, movable walls

Presentazione BellaVISTA SYSTEM

Introducing BellaVista System

Parapetto saliscendi BellaVista @ristorante la stella

Verticla sliding parapet

Parapetto, paravento saliscendi, Livigno

Vertical sliding windbreak, Livigno

Paravento, pannello cieco inferiore

Windbreak, lower part with panels

PRONTO PER la PiazzEtta di Capri

Ready for the Piazzetta, Capri Island

bellavista PLUS


BEllavista PLUS: passavivande


@brian & Barry Building, photostory

Milan Downtown

GM Morando, You Tube

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For technical information